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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Filozofii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Erasmus+ > Polish - Czech Philosophical Seminar

Instytut Filozofii serdecznie zaprasza na/ The Institute of Philosophy invites you to:


28.04.2022, 11.00-14.00

room 135


[fot. Jacek Sikora]



opening [Dr. Agnieszka Bandura, Dr. Urszula Lisowska]


Dr. Lenka Naldoniová, University of Ostrava/ Department of Philosophy

Four Loves?

Abstract: Is there only one love, or are there different kinds of love? We will look for the answer with the help of the thinkers who have dealt with the subject of love, such as Plato, Aristotle, Freud, Solovyov, Florensky and others. After a general introduction, we will focus mainly on love as eros and philia. These concepts of love were analyzed by Plato as well as Aristotle, and later developed by V.Solovyov and P.Florensky.


Prof. Paweł Korobczak, University of Wrocław/ Department of Ethics

Love as a Way of Being: Phenomenological Perspective

Abstract: In my presentation I will deal with a certain aspect of understanding what love is and what is its place in life and in philosophy. I will refer to the phenomenological perspective, or at least to two thinkers who can be associated with phenomenology to a greater or lesser degree: Max Scheler and Martin Heidegger. Love appears in each of them with different intensity and plays a more or less clear function in the structure of their philosophy. However, what somehow unites both thinkers is the understanding of love as some kind of relation of ontological character.


Dr. Lenka Lee, Masaryk University in Brno/ Department of Aesthetics

Flaneur from South Moravia

Abstract: The lecture will focus on one of the themes explored, among others, in the context of everyday aesthetics. Flanerie, which was Baudelaire’s tool to describe modernity and Benjamin’s method for historical and philosophical investigation, has not disappeared from aesthetic interest even in the 21st century.

In my lecture I want to highlight a specific group associated with the city of Brno and the phenomenon called “štatl” and the possibilities of using its historical reflection by contemporary flaneurs and flaneuses.


Dr. Agnieszka Bandura, University of Wrocław/ Department of Aesthetics

The 18th-century art of travel and the formation of the modern concept of the subject

Abstract: The 17th and 18th centuries are an exceptionally important time in Western philosophy for the problematization and formation of the modern concept of subjectivity, drawing both from the rational, Cartesian tradition and from the irrational elements preceding 19th-century Romanticism and anchored in everyday praxis. The exploration of reality and the modification of the limitations of one’s own ego in the unusual situation of a journey or wandering in the literature (philosophical and otherwise) of the 18th century resulted in the laying of the theoretical foundations for the “art of travelling”, as well as in the creation of an alternative concept of the subject to the strictly rational one. An attempt to define the human being and his condition as a “given thing,” built through experience (including travel), becoming, creating and being created, etc., rather than a finite, static res cogitans, outlined the scenario for the subject in modernism and postmodernism.


discussion and closing