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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Filozofii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Aktualności > THE BODY IN PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXTS: konferencja studencko-doktorancka


[ENG below]

Serdecznie zapraszamy na konferencję studencko-doktorancką "The Body in Philosophical Contexts", która odbędzie się 10 marca w sali 104 Instytutu Filozofii. 

Program konferencji:

10:30-10:50 Wojciech Kilan, "State power over the body in the context of Thomistic ethics – capital punishment, police killing, and waging war

11:00-11:20 Eligiusz Lelo, "Female body in feminist pornography. Sexual desire or manifesto?"

11:30-11:50 Orkhan Imanov, "Spinoza and Deleuze: the Philosophy of the Body"

11:50-12:10 Jędrzej Mikstacki, "Body as the subject of becoming and affectivity - Body as the basis of subjectivity in the Deleuze and Guattari’s thought"

12:20-12:40 Konrad Nicpoń, "Can the body be a method of doing philosophy? Yoga as em-bodied philosophy"


12:50-13:30 PRZERWA KAWOWA

13:30-13:50 Samuel Maruszewski, "The embodied self from a critical perspective"

14:10-14:30 Merzieh Darabi, TBA

14:40-15:10 Shebnem Mammadova, TBA

15:00-15:20 Iwona Skiba, TBA

15:30-15:50 Krzysztof Glod Around the Body. „Us” – „Them”

Abstrakty [PDF]


We are happy to announce the students and PhD students' conference "The Body in Philosophical Contexts", which will take place on March 10 marca in room 104 of The Institute of Philosophy.


10:30-10:50 Wojciech Kilan, "State power over the body in the context of Thomistic ethics – capital punishment, police killing, and waging war

11:00-11:20 Eligiusz Lelo, "Female body in feminist pornography. Sexual desire or manifesto?"

11:30-11:50 Orkhan Imanov, "Spinoza and Deleuze: the Philosophy of the Body"

11:50-12:10 Jędrzej Mikstacki, "Body as the subject of becoming and affectivity - Body as the basis of subjectivity in the Deleuze and Guattari’s thought"

12:20-12:40 Konrad Nicpoń, "Can the body be a method of doing philosophy? Yoga as em-bodied philosophy"


12:50-13:30 COFFEE BREAK

13:30-13:50 Samuel Maruszewski, "The embodied self from a critical perspective"

14:10-14:30 Merzieh Darabi, TBA

14:40-15:10 Shebnem Mammadova, TBA

15:00-15:20 Iwona Skiba, TBA

15:30-15:50 Krzysztof Glod Around the Body. „Us” – „Them”

Abstracts [PDF]