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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Filozofii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Aktualności > Specjalny numer czasopisma poświęcony Ukrainie

Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture ogłasza nabór tekstów do numeru specjalnego pt. "In the Power of History, Again". Numer poświęcony będzie wojnie w Ukrainie.

Teksty można zgłaszać do 15 sierpnia, za pośrednictwem strony czasopisma. Szczegóły znajdują się w ogłoszeniu .

Z opisu:

As the editors of Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture and philosophers we see it as a duty to respond to the pressing challenges of our times. As we speak, bombs, rockets, tanks, and all kinds of heavy weaponry are being used against the people of Ukraine within the premises of their own sovereign country. This has been done on the orders of Putin and his authoritarian regime in the name of their imperial aspirations. While it is Ukraine which has been invaded, and it is Ukrainians who must fight and die, this brutal attack is directed against the whole Western world. (...)  As the editors of an international journal devoted to the problems of culture and rooted in an anti-authoritarian tradition, we must do our part to respond to this threat of our times. Therefore, we have decided to immediately announce the call for papers for a special issue of our quarterly whose thematic section is to be devoted to the violent return of history, as a response to these tragic events.