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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Filozofii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Erasmus+ > COURSES IN PHILOSOPHY for foreign and Polish students (SPRING SEMESTER 2019/2020) with TIMETABLE


Dear Students,

I would like to thank you for your presence and attention during a welcome meeting at the Institute of Philosophy .

We offer you the ollowing courses in philosophy in the ongoing SPRING SEMESTER 2019/2020:

  1. Course title: Introduction into Hannah Arendt

Lecturer: Dr Urszula LISOWSKA

Type of Class: Seminar, 30 hours

ECTS credits: 6

WED 9.45-11.15, room 130


  1. Course title: Introduction to Aesthetics with the Elements of Experimental Aesthetics and Art

Lecturer: Dr Agnieszka BANDURA

Type of Class: Seminar, 30 hours

ECTS credits: 6

TUE 9.30-11.00, room 104 (but on 3rd March we meet in room 303 – in exceptional circumstances, thank you for your understanding)

  1. Course title: Plato’s Concept of Language

Lecturer: Dr Anna OLEJARCZYK

Type of Class: Seminar, 30 hours

ECTS credits: 6 credits

WED 13.45-15.20, room 130

  1. Course title: Plato’s Dialogues and Their Cultural Background

Lecturer: Dr Anna OLEJARCZYK

Type of Class: Seminar, 30 hours

ECTS credits: 6 credits

[because of the illness of the lecturer the further details will be given later – thank you once again for your understanding]

Looking forward to seeing you next week!